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Re: smooth prime

Subject: Re: smooth prime
From: Steve Hagar <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:27:22

UV smooth prime has a pretty good history as least as far as I have heard.
I have done the flight controls and wings. The Fill is good, easily sanded
and no pin holes. I have not painted over it yet. Some have said that it is
a good idea to do the priming and let it settle in a good long time before
putting  on the top coat.  My initial prime is probably going to be on a
year and a half befor painting.  My plan is to lightly resand the whole
mess then re roll on the prime with a final  sprayed on prime before going
with the top coat paint.

Steve Hagar
Mesa, AZ

> [Original Message]
> From: <>
 > Date: 11/11/02 7:46:13 AM
> Subject:  smooth prime
> Before I start rolling it on, does anyone have any negatives on smooth
> prime.
> Are there any other options for a base coat ?
> Dave A061 ( slowly getting there)

--- Steve Hagar

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