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RE: Europa-List: RE: fitting gascolator

Subject: RE: Europa-List: RE: fitting gascolator
From: R.C.Harrison <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 21:23:58

Hi! Mike ... you probably have the message OK except the only way you
could better your suggestion would be a mini gascolator on each line.
However it is all IMHO and I have just the one gascolator in the main
line and the water drain mod and they have together proved to be very
capable in all respects including water to date. (It was my finger
filters and wiper strands of fibre and bad intersection of the drillings
in the tank connectors which caused my forced landing like the wash hand
basin or bath plug hole effect)

Bob Harrison G-PTAG Europa MKI/Jabiru 3300

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: fitting gascolator

Good day All,

To follow the thinking of this thread, would a good way to go be
the kit filter onto the Main side only, then install a gascolator prior
to the 
 electric fuel pump in the baggage bay? This way if anything plugs up
main,  switching would allow fuel to continue and if there is water or
included  then the gascolator should be able to handle that for a safe
landing and 
a  clearing of the filter and gascolator.

Just a thought.  

Mike Duane  A207A

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