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Re: Europa-List: FW: EU Referendum - Electronic tagging.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: FW: EU Referendum - Electronic tagging.
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 08:26:51


In a message dated 03/01/2006 12:41:21 GMT Standard Time, writes:

We're probably abusing the list now, as this is rather  non-Europa, but at
least there is some aviation-related  stuff.

You're correct on the current Government. But I think it's  wrong to tar all
politicians with that brush. Some I know are decent,  hard-working, committed
people. I see no reason to expect the next  Government to continue the
descent into self-serving that this  current one began.

As for restricting our aviation freedoms - the  PFA are working hard on that,
and I personally founded the  Campaigning Aviators Network. I note that you
haven't volunteered to  join it, though. Perhaps you'd like to do so and join
me and the  other volunteers in spending some of our free time campaigning
for  these freedoms?

Well I am probably being a bit hard on ALL politicians but having  been an 
elected Councillor at Town and District Level for many years I  left in disgust

at the waste and profligacy.

As for campaigning, I am more than willing to join you but am already  
putting my oar in via a couple of flying clubs and the Fleet Air Arm  Squadron.


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