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Re: Top Gloss

Subject: Re: Top Gloss
From: Dean Wiegand <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:55:37

If you cannot find a small amount, call the supplier
and ask them to send a 250g sample so you can make sure
it meets the standards you are looking for...some
things are free for the asking.

Dean Wiegand
Sacramento CA USA
kit A259

-----Original Message-----
Richard Holder
Subject: Re:  Top Gloss


G-OWWW has had its Rotax engine AD completed and the
engine is re-attached
to the front. My co-builder is off on hols tomorrow but
wings etc (all but
fuselage) are booked for painting for 5th Dec.

Initial engine run will be at the end of this month.

But I have a question. Our Airmaster prop documentation
specifies the use of
(amongst other things) the use of Aeroshell 22 grease.
I am sure it is only
a small amount, but the only supplier (as of now) I can
see is Light Aero
who will supply a 3 kilo tin for 91.50 plus VAT.
Nothing smaller.

Does anyone know of a supplier who can do smaller
quantities ?

Does anyone have some left over from completing this
task themselves ?

Help please !

I wouldn't mind paying 91 for 3 kilos of a fancy
grease if I was going to
use all of it. But to pay 91 for 3 kilos when I will
probably use about 250
grams is WAY over the top !


Richard F.W. Holder                      01279 842804
Bell House, Bell Lane,                   01279 842942
Widford, Ware, Herts,                    07860 367423
SG12 8SH                                 email :
PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)
Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, being built.

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