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Europa-List: Re: Monowheel Brake Calliper Piston

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Monowheel Brake Calliper Piston
From: JohnFrance <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2020 01:59:36

Here is some information I pulled from the web Franois

 Based on your experience with this system, do you think that the original 
cylinder volume displacement would be enough to be used with the Beringer 

Probably but that will depend on the ratio of the surface area between the slave
and master cylinders between the two systems as well a the length of the drake
lever arm. Don't forget to check compatibility of the hydraulic fluid you intend
using with the seal materials. 

If so, one could keep the monoW controls as primarily designed in the cockpit 
only replace the wheel and caliper/piping with Beringer parts. 
The price would also be "softer"... 

Yes, but dont forget to purchase the pressure limiter included in the Beringer

About the issue of original piston rusting and for rebuilding a new part, what
kind of alloy would you recommend (6061 ? 2024 ?...

According to the documentation in the link below When hard anodising, the best
results are usually found with 6061 and 6082 alloys

The tolerance for the outside diameter of your piston and seal groove should be
clearly annotated as final dimensions, after anodising. A 50 micron layer should
be sufficient. The reason for this is the material swells by about half of
the thickness of the layer so on a piston that will add 2x25 micron to its 

As aluminium is not a strong as the steel piston you are replacing it might be
necessary to increase the skirt thickness of the piston.

A possible company you could use for anodising is:

Europa mono Nr 192

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