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Europa-List: Re: Monowheel Brake Calliper Piston

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Monowheel Brake Calliper Piston
From: rparigoris <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 19:06:59

Hi Franzgo

I owned a Cessna 170 for 19 years and the caliper piston looks awful close to 
original Europa. The tailwheel springs were not very tight and if there was
no differential braking it would make for interesting landings unless landing
on grass or directly into the wind. Letting the bird sit outside, corrosion 
develop on the caliper bore and rust on the rotor. A landing or 2 and the
pads would wear, allow the seals to contact corroded bore and seals leak on the
bore. If lucky you would get a little breaking with pumping before fluid was
gone. What a hassle of changing calipers and pistons. Not exactly "blessed"l
but we machined a new piston from 6160 after being frustrated but instead of
1 o-ring groves, machined 2 and put a little silicone grease between o-rings.
That kept the o-ring bore for the real deal o-ring clean and worked for us for
over 15 years without a glitch. It was a real hazard losing brakes. I always
to try and use "blessed' components on type certificated aircraft,l but if 
"blessed' endangers my neck, safety comes first.  Cleaned and replace O-rings
only a few times in 15 years and bore always looked great. My IA was completely
impressed. If I have a problem with my Europa piston, that's going to
be my plan. Ron P.

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