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Europa-List: Re: Europa Classic sight gauge tubing MPD: 1998-019 R1

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa Classic sight gauge tubing MPD: 1998-019 R1
From: h&amp;jeuropa <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 10:33:34


I certainly do not know LAA requirements, but I can share my sight gauge and 
hose experience.

I tried Tygon F4040 fuel hose initially.  It will get hard and lose flexibility
in less than a year as I recall. It is yellow initially and gets more yellow
with time. 

What I have been using for the last 6-8 years is Tygon SE200.  This is clear 
with a Teflon liner.  There has been no change in color or opacity since
installed. The liner will not withstand flexing, so for protection, I slid the
SE200 inside clear flexible tubing that I purchased a the local DIY store. The
only place I use this is for my sight gauge.

All other fuel hoses in my Europa are Gates Barricade, which meets SAE J30R14T1
specification. This hose has very low permeation so smell is minimized. It comes
in carburetor version and fuel injection version. The fuel injection hose
is stiffer and more difficult to  slide on fittings but also will keep it's 
better around sharp bends. The carburetor version is softer and easier to
slide on fittings but can collapse or deform around sharp bends.

I also have replaced all barb fittings in my fuel and oil system with AN style
hose ends.  They are much easier to work with than the original Europa barb 

Hope this helps but I have no idea if allowed in the UK.

Jim Butcher

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