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Re: TP5&6 Retention Tube?

Subject: Re: TP5&6 Retention Tube?
From: Chris and Susan Beck <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 20:54:02
A little peanut butter makes them quite yummy, perfect for when you get
those hunger pangs in the middle of a big layup. :-)

On the same note, the Permagrit people had a booth at Oshkosh this year
which was quite nice.  I chatted with them for a bit and told them about
how wonderful the tools were.  They said they have gotten many comments
like that.  Most people are put off by the high cost at first, but after
the first few uses, they are sold for good.  My fave is the little cutoff
disk.  Put that in the Dremel and I can make short work of trimming a
layup.  Just have to watch that the Dremel doesn't overheat when cutting
through 4 layers of BID.


Tony Krzyzewski wrote:

>   Darn [permagrit] tools are the best thing since sliced bread.
> Funny, I find that they play hell with my teeth when I bite on them :-)
> Tony

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