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Re: Europa-List: Tank vent

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tank vent
From: Pete <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 10:50:25

Fwiw, I have the 1/4 tubing without any filling issues.  That said, I did change
---From the original T suction break fitting in the top of the cobra to two 
cobra holes - vent at the top, and tank horizontal on the side. This eliminated
any fuel from being spit out the bottom fuse vent/pitot.  Indeed I use
it effectively to tell me when the tank is full as it starts sputtering away
into the cobra while I am filling. Only a second or two after the sputtering 
and the cobra fills.  

I fill at full speed with the plastic gerry cans vent cap removed.  My biggest
concern is wrt static/spark/ignition while fast filling so far so good  (knock
on wood).

Note that when I want to fill to the top, I ensure the pilot wing is down (I 
a largish ~6 pogo clearance when wing-high) ensuring the vent is in the tank

(XS fuel filler config)

> On Aug 22, 2022, at 10:41 AM, n7188u <> wrote:
> Hello,
> As I mentioned on a previous message, I am working on improving the vent in 
> the
tank to facilitate filling. I have a pretty fancy vent arrangement suggested
by Bud and it works well but I built it with 1/4" aluminum tubing and it is
basically insufficient in terms of airflow during venting. Works well in flight
> So I replaced the single 1/4" tube in my existing vent in the tank with two 
> 3/8"
ones. One will be the permanent vent, still attached to 1/4" tubes to the
fuselage vent at the bottom and the other will serve as vent when filling (with
a quick disconnect valve used by the LR tank but also as the LR tank filling
line via an electric pump in the LR tank. 
> Well, enough background. My question is that the vent I placed worked worse 
> than
the original because its probably not at the very top RH corner of the tank.
Can I have these pipes touching the top of the tank surface without fearing
that vibration will cause wear between the tube and the tank plastic surface?
It's very had to get the tube close enough without touching the tank top. It
should really touch ensure it is at the absolute top and to work well but a 
afraid of wear in the tank. Maybe overthinking.
> Best,
> Chris
> Read this topic online here:

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