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Europa-List: Re: To gill or not to gill

Subject: Europa-List: Re: To gill or not to gill
From: rparigoris <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 12:44:34

Hi Chris

As far as cooling goes, can you answer some questions so we have a better 
on your 912S with fixed pitch Mono XS:
** Are you using supplied oil and coolant radiator
** What coolant are you using
** What is max. CHT and Coolant Temps you have seen, on ground and in flight
** Did you calibrate your CHT, OT and Coolant temp gauges
** What is maximum cylinder wall Temps you have seen?
** Are you using factory firewall, or did you do something else like put on aft
side of UCMF like Bud suggests on a mono
** What is your gap between the aft side of your radiator duct and firewall
** What procedure do you use to shut down when you know you will be doing a hot
** How does your engine start when hot
** Are your intake eyeballs factory size
** Did you do anything for eyeballs to aid flow on the inside of the cowl
** Did you modify the radiator duct entrance intake lip
** Is your radiator duct sealed really well from front to back along with your

I think one feature of gills is to cool engine upon shut down. Many open oil and
coolant access doors.
I read a note from Andy somewhere that he was test flying a Mono without doors,
he decided to reach out and check gills and couldn't believe just how much heat
was coming out of them.

I'm not flying yet, but have heard often you won't overheat on ground if you 
your top cowl off on a Mono. Stuck on ground too long I believe makes many
a mono get hot under the collar. I added 2 cooling fans that exit the gills. I'm
using two long can speed 400 electric motors they exit air out of the gills.
I have it set up where you can series or parallel motors. On low draw is 3 amps
and moves a reasonable amount of air. On high they move a ton of air at a
pretty darn high pitch speed. I forget exact pitch speed, but not far off from
leaf blower speed outside the cowl! Amp draw on high is 16 amps. I have a SD20S
sitting on the vacuum pad which pretty much has a 100% duty cycle but doesn't
put out too much at lower RPMs. I have a internal Dynamo that works better
at lower RPMs, but best keep draw under 12 amps if you want a long life. I 
cooler, so if stuck on ground and getting hot, course pitch, cowl flap full
open, try and aim into wind and have a higher RPM and turn off internal Dynamo
and put gill fans on high. Will also put on low for a while upon shut down
to keep things cool.

Ron P.

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