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Re: Europa-List: Re: Trim setting question

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Trim setting question
From: Pete <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 17:01:16

Sounds familar, tho with full power and your trim setting, I've got alot of push
required on climbout- not good (to me). I take off with the indicator pretty
well half way down the down side for a more balanced stick, which results in
a forward trimmed stick on engine failure, which i prefer.


> On Dec 27, 2021, at 4:11 PM, h&amp;jeuropa <> wrote:
> Interesting this has come up.  Our trim has always been near the bottom of the
indicator in cruise.  I assumed it was because we usually traveled with Jethro,
a 50 pound dog in the rear.  But after Jethro died, we adopted Finn who is
only 20 pounds.  The trim still is near the bottom which confirms the operation
is correct. 
> I verified the tailplane trim tab relationship like Pete Z and all is well. 
> The
change in CG between 50# and 20# isn't much so it all makes sense.
> I haven't verified, but I understand that the trim motor runs further than the
indicator, ie you have more down trim available after the indicator is at the
> I use the trim indicator a lot.  The "0" or middle position trims the plane 
> for
about 65 kts with gear extended. That is the takeoff configuration.  During
landing I set the trim to one or two lines above the "0" position which results
in about 55 -60 kts with gear extended.  With the speed set, I control rate
of descent with power.  It works nicely.
> Jim & Heather
> Read this topic online here:

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