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RE: Europa-List: RG393 coax

Subject: RE: Europa-List: RG393 coax
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:24:41
FWIW, I am using RG58 for all com purposes. Should be perfectly adequate as
long as its kept in good shape. Its light and cheap, so it can be easily
replaced someday.
The XPNDR will have a better quality cable, but haven't got it yet. Maybe
there is a avionics shop around that you can find to be able to buy the
better stuff by the foot without going the $689.00 route? Thats ridiculus!
I've had food that's hard to swallow, that stuff makes one want to choke. I
would try to keep the RG400 to less than 8' 4" just to save the expense.

There is a avionics shop not too far from me, if you'd like I  can check on
the cable cost/availability of RG400 or RG393 if you'd like. I am pretty
sure they sell by the foot, as I've already bought a bunch of RG58 bulk from
them that way. I could ship it to you, if the numbers come out.


[] On Behalf Of Fred Klein
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:47 PM
Subject: Europa-List: RG393 coax


In my as-yet-non-airworthy Europa, I'm about to replace the RG58 coax
originally installed for COM and XPNDR antennas. Both my newly purchased COM
and (mode "S") XPNDR are part of the Dynon SkyView suite. Dynon sez the
RG58.though perhaps adequate for the COM...will be very unsatisfactory for
the XPNDR, and the folks there refer me to "Antenna Cable", p. 230, (chap
11-p.12) in the SkyView installation guide where various coax cables are

(I cannot seem to include a link to the SkyView Installation Guide)

On p. 231, (chap.11-p.13) there is a chart which appears to state that RG400
(M17/128) is fine IF its length is less than 8'-4". I find that this M17/128
is the spec. for the RG400 sold by suppliers like Aircraft Spruce, SteinAir,
and B & C.

The chart also lists an RG304 for lengths up to 12'6", and RG393 for lengths
up to 17'-3".

There is also a link below the chart to manufacturer's data which is more
specific.there is clearly a special realm reserved for coax cables. 

I've located a source for the RG393 where I can buy a minimum of 100 feet at
$6.89/ft.and I'm having trouble swallowing. 

I'm skeptical of the notion that SkyView customers are using coax other than
the widely available RG400 (M17-128), and I'm VERY reluctant to spring for
this RG393. I do intend to replace ALL of my RG58.

Can someone who has some keen knowledge on this subject give me some

.with appreciation,


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