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RE: Europa-List: Re: Top fuselage- rear flange gap problem

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re: Top fuselage- rear flange gap problem
From: craig bastin <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:16:58

not that it helps you much, but my firewall ended up straight, when i pulled
the top back far enough to make it all line up

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of jglazener
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 7:44 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Top fuselage- rear flange gap problem

Thanks for all the input. Troy, you are right about the top of the firewall
bending forward- mine does that as well. I did however push it back when
taking the photo above. I will certainly try you method to get it straight.
Bottom line is that the gap seems here to stay. It can't really be any other
way- pulling the top further back would only make the tail and FW flange
misalign. Strange that a systematic non conformance like that is not either
corrected (trimming less at the factory) or mentioned in the manual.


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