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RE: Europa-List: Emergency parachutes, opinions?

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Emergency parachutes, opinions?
From: Hans Siedsma <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 13:38:42

Hello Frans

We just have add a safety parachute system  to an Europa XS.  The parachute
system has been build aaaand installed by the  Czech manufacturer. I can
make picture if you like. You can see the plane here in the Netherlands. If
you like we can give you all the technical specifications /details. This
year that company had already a number of emergency rescue parachute
landings in Europe.

I do not have it yet in my plane but I think about it. I am just flying with
it in this plane.

Best regards,
Hans Siedsma

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frans Veldman
Sent: 14 December 2009 12:48
Subject: Europa-List: Emergency parachutes, opinions?

Dear fellow experimental aviators,

I'm looking at the pro's and con's of emergency parachutes. I'm sure
some people on this forums have thought about this subject and formed
opinions about it, and I would like to hear more about it. I have no
experience with parachutes nor any opinion further than that I can
imagine that there are a few occasions where parachutes could save ones
life. Even this could be unrealistic imagination of course.

Questions are:
1) What are the chances of getting out of a Europa in level flight
(frozen controls). Will you get hit by the tailplane if you just climb
out and let go?
2) What are the chances of getting out of a Europa after some sort of
structural failure where the aircraft may be spinning and tumbling? Will
G-forces pin you down in your seat?
3) Is there any statistics about the amount of lifes saved due to
parachutes in General Aviation applications?

Personal opinions, in case of being forced to make an emergency landing:
1) Over water, would you opt for being the first one to try to land the
Europa on open water, or rather jump out by parachute?
2) In non-hospitalised area's (like mountainous terrain), would you try
to make the best of it and land in the trees or river down the valley,
or rather jump out?

Any opinions welcome,

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