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Europa-List: 914/912 dynamo regulator

Subject: Europa-List: 914/912 dynamo regulator
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 15:29:34
(a)  Thanks for the rapid replies regarding the trouble I was having with
the #$%^& regulator plug carrying the various wires, which plugs up into the
regulator body.

(b)  As with many of my minor projects, first I couldn't get the #$%^
fast-ons in, and now that I've decided to eliminate the plug, I can't get
them out.

(c)   Nevertheless even if it means destroying the plastic plug, I am
determined to find an alternative, because,

(d)  the rotten plug is meant to 'capture' the fast-on female connectors -
which it does -  is badly designed in that it does not prevent slight
rotation of the females which in turn frustrates the joining of females in
the plug to males in the regulator body. When such occurs, I usually make 5
tries, using whatever subterfuge accomplishes the feat. I made 10 tries here
but success evaded me. My bride has now said she won't fly in it because
it's built using language meant to destroy the earth.

(e)  I will eliminate the plug and substitute a guard which ensures
continual engagement and protects against rain etc.

Case closed - I hope.


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