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Re: Europa-List: Jos Okhuisen

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Jos Okhuisen
From: <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 07:35:44

>As a poor-man's alternative, I now have the 912 return-line 
>located just behind the firewall (because there is a joint in the 
>line there and because it creates more unrestricted vapour headspace 
in the 
>top of the return line); so, if the return line is severed at a 
>forward of the firewall, the restrictor provides at least some 
>to backflow from the tank; LAA know about this and approved the 

As the flow back to the tank is slow one idea might be to place a 
second inline restrictor by the tank (slightly larger orifice if 
considered necessary). Any fracture in the line between the firewall 
and the tank would result in a very limited flow rate of fuel. 

Nigel Charles

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