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Re: Europa-List: Europa Fault Reporting

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Fault Reporting
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 22:15:28
I cant speak for the American authorities but as far as the PFA is 
concerned I have to disagree strongly with you.

Francis Donaldson and Andy Draper (the PFA engineering supremos) could 
have grounded all Europas pending the outcome of the AIIB investigation 
- they didnt. Instead they have worked tirelessly to implement changes 
that have enabled us to continue flying.

I dont wish to undermine the usefullness of this particular forum - the 
information shared here is invaluable.

As for keeping a list of mods, the Europa club already does this. There 
is no reason why the matter of defect reporting could not be undertaken 
by them as well.

I dont believe that policing ourselves would work. Someone has to take 
unpopular decisions regarding airworthiness and for my money it is still 
the PFA.

----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 8:15 PM
  Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Fault Reporting

  To All,

  Maybe it's just my way of thinking or the American way of thinking, 
but why get any authorities invloved. The only thing that they do is 
stop people from flying with any possible reason at all. (MHO) 
  With the exception of accident causes and their corrections, why not 
simply use this forum, as we are presently doing, to keep a list of Mods 
that we determine as being of a matter pertaining to Europas. Police 
yourselves and avoid the official hassles.

  Hard hat on.

  Mike Duane A207A
  Redding, California
  XS Conventional Gear
  Jabiru 3300 
  Sensenich R64Z N
  Ground Adjustable Prop

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