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Europa-List: Fuel Gauge

Subject: Europa-List: Fuel Gauge
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 10:39:52

For those with my fuel gauge I am in the latter stages of preparing
release 5 which will include...

1/ Separation of the initial full scale calibration and the set levels
2/ Use of a new display chip that requires minimal external components -
to the extent that I have a test display running inside a MAC/RAC servo
display box already.
3/ Support for using a standard capacitance gauge 0-5v analogue display
or input to Dynon EMS/FlightDEK still using the ten level calibration
routine integral to the system.
4/ Support for using a standard capacitance gauge 0-5v analogue display
or input to Dynon EMS/FlightDEK with uncalibrated levels for use with
external calibration routines. In this mode the fuel gauge exactly
emulates a capacitance sender without any tank incursion.

As soon as I have verfied the code changes I'll post the revised circuit
diagrams onto my web site. 



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