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Re: Whelan Strobes

Subject: Re: Whelan Strobes
From: JW <>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 21:02:47

    Many of us have opted to use very light weight sprinkler PVC to run wiring
and pitot tubing or stall warning tubing through the wing.  I used 3/4" and
found it to be just barely adequate in size.  I know some have used 1".  It runs
probably the same place as you ran your tubing and grommets.  Also, many do not
use the tubing included in the kit for either the pitot tube, or stall warner
kit if you happened to order it (recommended).  It was suggested to me to use
Versatube (Aircraft Spruce) aluminum tubing.  If the flexible tubing somehow
deteriorates over time, or fails by some other method, how would you repair or
replace it?  The likelihood of something happening to the Versatube is very very


Steven Pitt wrote:

> Paul
> You say in the second para 'same arrangement for conduit and pitot tubing'.
> Does this mean laying up bid to strengthen the holes as I do not remember
> anything in the manual about this? My pitot tubing was drilled through in
> the centre of the ribs and passed thro grommets that were supplied by the
> factory.
> Any guidance on fitting the strobe tubing would also be appreciated.
> Steve Pitt #403

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