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Re: Elevator travel

Subject: Re: Elevator travel
From: Nick Hammond <>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 09:09:19

This sounds normal. Travel should 4 degrees down through 12 degrees up (this 
is, unhelpfully, in the pitch-trim chapter). You need to use the incidence
block described in the tailplane assembly chapter and an inclinometer of some
sort to make the measurements. Provided that the full 16 degrees of travel is
available, the range can be adjusted by the TP18A assembly on the lower leg of
the mass balance arm.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
Subject:  Elevator travel


I'm at a loss! I derigged my Europa and having re-rigged it I don't appear
to have full elevator DOWN movement. I have LOADS of up travel but only a
little down. I don't get it as looking at the mass balance its hitting both
the top and bottom stop. The tail planes are located in the pins so I don't
see what I could have possibly got wrong but it don't look right from where
I'm standing. And its not going anywhere till I get a second opinion or I
work it out.

Any ideas? am I missing something simple and silly?


Kev T
PS on the positive side I fitted a new intercom and I have got rid of the
annoying background noise, buzz, hum, crackle and pops.

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