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Re: Remote GPS antenna

Subject: Re: Remote GPS antenna
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 00:34:42
In a message dated 11/4/2002 9:00:41 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> I am going to mount my hand held GPS for use in the cockpit.  It has the
> option for remotely mounting of the antenna.  Upon perusal of the
> Aircraft Spruce catalog it seems all the units they have are
> multi-hundreds of dollars!!!.  I want to put it in the ceiling between
> the two doors.   Does anyone have any experience with a home made or
> non-aircraft remote antenna in this application.  I was looking for a
> sub-$100 unit for an antenna since the whole GPS is only $450. 
> SteveA143Mesa,
> AZ --- Steve Hagar---  

I tested my Garmin 295 remote antenna that came with the GPS and put it under 
the fiberglass between the doors. It worked absolutely perfectly. I did in 
the pasta purchase a remote antenna that I used with a GPS90 in the past - it 
was about $89 if I remember right -- a generic antenna -- it worked well 
also. most handheld GPS units come with a remote antenna. The ones from ACS 
are aircraft and usually designed to be mounted externally. A plain old 
antenna stuck in that area between the doors should be fine.

Mini U2

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