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Re: Tailplane

Subject: Re: Tailplane
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:03:36
Tim --

I had exactly the same experience too. It's possible also that the cockpit 
module bonding operation caused the "twist." Assuming both of Europa's molds 
are OK, your're still bonding together the unmolded surfaces, subject to 
variations in resin buildup.

When I saw what was happening, I Cleco'd the top fuselage half in place 
before bonding in the bronze bearings, so there would be no more surprises 

On mine, it appears that some glass and filler on the tailplane moldings will 
mask most of the error.

Happy building --

Fred Fillinger, A063

>>Europa Builders
>>Would be interested in your comments and solutions, if any, about the
>>following observations. I am building a Mk 1 Classic Mono Builder Number
>>1.After trimming the bottom fuselage the result gives you a higher
>>port tailplane fairing then the starboard. They were not level.
>>2. The port tailplane fairing is 121mm in depth at the torque tube cross
>>as oppose to 126mm on the starboard.  
>>3.To make sure the torque tube holes were level and same distance from
>>the firewall I had to lower the port hole and a little forward. 
>>4.Once the tailplanes are rigged the starboard one lines up well on the
>>fairing at neutral however the port is 3mm lower. They are perfectly
>>The  moulding of the Port tailplane fairing has moved up 3-4mm, as well
>>as not being the same depth as the starboard. It appears to be a
>>residual twist
>>in the fuselage.

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