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Use of major airfields

Subject: Use of major airfields
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 16:09:28
I have been investigating the possibility of making use of one of the unique
capabilities of the Europa, namely its trailerability, to operate from my
nearest airfield, which happens to be a major one in Class D airspace.  After
many phone calls and having been passed from ATC to Admin to handling agents
etc., I have yet to get a definitive answer as to what charges might be
levied on an aircraft which would only occupy tarmac for a few minutes.  (I
have in mind that the car and trailer would be removed to the club carpark
outside the airfield boundary).

I may  have to  pluck up courage and just drive through the gates and do it. 

Anyone else put a toe into this water ?

Graham C.  G-EMIN 

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