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Europa-List: The Obsidian Files - Speed Kit

Subject: Europa-List: The Obsidian Files - Speed Kit
From: Area-51 <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 14:06:52

The Speed Kit has been an interesting study and has seen the resolution of our
test environment cranked up from medium to fine... as a result solution times
have somewhat quadrupled however the real world accuracy is now around 95% as
opposed to 90% and earlier results are now superseded from a guidance 
level to a more advisory level. 

Several variations were examined, being, Clean Plug (baseline), Speed Kit 
Partial Kit (outrigger cowl only), Alternative (known custom outrigger cowl
only)... Velocity of 51m/s and Attitude of 0deg was used across all tests.

Results: Drag (kg) / Lift (kg)
Clean Plug - 43.7 / 426.1
Speed Kit - 57.2 / 432.9
Partial - 56.3 / 434.2
Alternate - 55.8 / 433.9

Initial shared thoughts regarding the effectiveness of fitting the speed kit 
supported using a courser resolution for the above and presented a broad 
of results of some 8kg of drag in favour of no speed kit being used; so
as a qualitative measure the mathematical resolution was pushed until more 
and stable results were achieved.

The Alternate cowl provides a more streamlined flow and lower Acoustic levels 
although the differences are minor, across the entire airframe, every little
bit adds up.

The conclusion we can assume on this subject is that the factory Speed Kit 

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