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Europa-List: Squat switch - what?

Subject: Europa-List: Squat switch - what?
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 15:42:58
        Being new to construction (in the spiritual sense) I have come
across the above title, alternately known as an 'airborne acquisition
sensor' and other epithets.
        I get the idea - when she squats on the ground, she's not flying -
when she rises above ground she is un-squated.  We come to the nub - where
does one put the microswitch which tells a number of devices she's flying?
This in my case is a Classic 914 yet to fly. We need to know the gear is
locked down I presume, and the main purpose is to record the time in the
air, presuming it is terminated by a landing......
        If you have a similar machine I would be delighted to hear where you
set the switch and whether you are content with it    I know, I know, like
the parental words during a long trip, "You should have thought of that
Cheers, Ferg

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