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RE: Europa-List: TCU/Dongle

Subject: RE: Europa-List: TCU/Dongle
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 10:15:32
Jos, you might be right about the TCU software but for those who want to try
running it under Windows XP (I haven't) the attached file tells how to go
about it.  This file is a few relevant pages copied from the digital version
of the book "Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out" published by Microsoft Press.

Best regards,

Rob Housman
Irvine, California
Europa XS Tri-Gear
S/N A070
Airframe complete

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jos Okhuijsen
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: TCU/Dongle

Sorry for you folks, but the window is called a command window.
The session looks like dos, but it is a cmd session.
It's a Dos look a like but it is not Dos.
It does things Dos does not do, and it can't do some mainly hardware  
connected stuff that Dos does.
A lot of old dos stuff won't work there.
The Rotax com stuff won't work there.
And that was what the question was about.

> Click on START > Run > (type) CMD > (press) Enter brings up the DOS  
> window in
> Windows 2000 and XP.


Jos Okhuijsen

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