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RE: Europa-List: 914: fuel over airbox pressure

Subject: RE: Europa-List: 914: fuel over airbox pressure
From: Simon Smith <>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 19:16:33

Just to add, see page 69 of the current installation manual on the Rotax


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of josok
Sent: 18 March 2007 18:25
Subject: Europa-List: 914: fuel over airbox pressure

Hi team,
Does the UMA transducer connect between the airbox and the carburettor feed
line or between the airbox and the fuel feed on the pressure regulator? In
other words: before or after the pressure regulator? 

In the rotax doc an after pressure regulator setup is shown as a desired,
not supplied option, however i assume that it is more interesting to see a
warning about fuel pressure drop before the regulator runs out of pressure
to regulate :-) 

Kind Regards,

Jos Okhuijsen

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