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Re: Europa-List: Falke compared with Europa Monowheel

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Falke compared with Europa Monowheel
From: David Joyce <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 09:20:49

Raimo, I have owned both and apart from them needing the same tail dragger
mode of landing, (ie holding off touching down until you can't hold it any
more) there is very little similarity. The Falke is pretty docile on the
ground exhibiting reasonable directionable stability, whereas the Europa is
distinctly lively, needing quick thinking to keep it straight. In the air
the Europe is pure pleasure and much more responsive than the falke. Once my
Europa flew I lost all interest in flying the Falke.
Regards, David Joyce G-XSDJ
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Raimo Toivio" <>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:35 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Falke compared with Europa Monowheel


I had last weekend a wonderful opportunity
to learn to fly first time all together stick
controlled, tail and monowheeled,
engine quited machine with metric avionics.
It was a wonderful German Falke side-by-side
-seated motor glider, year model 1972.

My purpose was to understand beforehand my
soon completed Europas take-off and landing
characteries. It was a nice experience for a
Cessna boy like me. I am alive and Falke
is still flyable & landable. It was not a shock
at all, much easier than I thought before.

Is there anybody out there who has flied both
Europa Monowheel and Falke motor glider?

Could you please compare especially landing
qualities of those planes? I noticed that speed
just before touch was very important. It was
about 90 km/h = 50 knots. Also heading along

Gliding w/o engine was charming.
How about gliding wings to Europa,
can man still purchase a long wing kit?

Regards, Raimo
Raimo M W Toivio

OH-XRT Europa XS Mono #417, will be painted in few days
OH-CVK C172 Skyhawk, this year more than ever hrs
OH-BLL Beechcraft C45 w radial engines, still grounded

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