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Europa-List: NACA vent in Fin

Subject: Europa-List: NACA vent in Fin
From: Michael Grass <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:04:10


I like to incorporate the fresh air NACA vent mod in the fin for overhead air 
which a lot of the Flight crafter builders have done. My questions now are:

Which NACA vent have you used?

What is the approximate best position on the fin taking the torque tube as a 
for measurements?

Which CAT or SCAT duct hose have you used inside the fin?

and the most important question:

What is your experience with it?


Michael Grass
A266 Trigear
Detroit, MI

Got finally all ribs for the landing gear in and now dreaming about putting on
the top ;<)

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