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Re: Europa-List: N-reg Europa visiting the UK?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: N-reg Europa visiting the UK?
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 04:58:31

Hi Jez,,
That would be Norbert Schmit, a U.S citizen, now based at  Nottingham.
He built it under the supervision of Flightcrafters [ Bob and Russell]  and 
Andy Draper and myself signed off his ''log book'' [ not the  P.F.A. blue book]

at the various inspection stages.
It was allways his intention to bring it over here, so he tried to play it  
''by the rules''.
He is at the moment trying to get it on the U.K. register, he had a waiver  
to fly it from the CAA whilst it was on the ''N'' number, they have been very 

helpfull [ for a change ?]
It had 40 odd hours on it when it was shipped over, I did the ''final  
inspection'', and effectively an annual inspection on it, very nicely put  

and maintained..........
 The paperwork seems to have ground to a halt at a place very close to  
P.S. It is a trigear  / 914.

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