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Europa-List: What engine for my Europa?

Subject: Europa-List: What engine for my Europa?
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 08:46:50

In a message dated 11/7/2004 2:58:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> What engine for my Europa?

Greetings all,

Although I've only had one flight, about an hour, behind a Jabiru 3300 fitted 
with an Airmaster, that being Andy's J400 Demo, I would have to agree with 
Andy from my observation that the combo works very well. I was amazed at how 
quiet both the engine and propeller were. When he departed our field bound for

Oshkosh we could barely hear the aircraft by the time he reached the fence at 
the south end of our runway, about 1800' away. Everyone watching commented how

quiet it was. I was also very pleased with how smooth the engine ran, i.e., 
considerably less vibration as compared to several Rotax powered aircraft I've

flown. This is likely because the 6 cylinder Jabiru is better balanced than the

4 cylinder Rotax and because of the relative crank position as each cylinder 
fires. I experience the same phenomenon when I compare my 0-320 powered 
Citabria to my 0-540 powered Pawnee. The Pawnee's 6 cylinder engine has far less

vibration than the 4 cylinder 0-320.


John Lawton
Dunlap, TN
A-245 (Doors on, just starting life behind a dust mask (finish work) between 
glider tows)

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