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Re: Europa-List: Cockpit module installation

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cockpit module installation
From: Mike Parkin <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 07:21:46

I made a wooden frame that sat proud of the cockpit sill.  The idea was that
legs on the frame applied pressure from above on various parts of the
cockpit module - including the headrests.  After applying the redux I used 3
lightweight trailer straps ( the sort that have a ratchet for tightening)
---From the wooden frame on one side, under the fuselage and back to the frame
on the other side of the cockpit.  It worked a treat and the frame allowed
easy access to remove all the excess redux.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul McAllister" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cockpit module installation

> Hi all,
> For what its worth, if I was doing this over again I would research
> alternative methods to pulling in the module than screws.  I did hear
> mention on an idea once where people suspended the lower half and used
> weights on the cockpit module.  I don't know how successful this was but
> what I found that the filling and sanding of the holes was not a trivial
> exercise.
> The problem is several areas of the fuselage where I used sheet metal
> were compound curves and the screw actually pulled the area flat.  When it
> came time for me to fill this I it took quite sometime to try and get the
> shape correct and I had many spots like this to fix.
> Paul

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