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RE: Europa-List: closing the doors

Subject: RE: Europa-List: closing the doors
From: R.C.Harrison <>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:39:00

Hi! Richard.
You will find that you can't reach any assist handle you put on the door
behind your shoulder.(unless you are a contortionist!  The best way to close
the doors is to press DOWN and FORWARD at the same time. When the door is as
snug downwards that you can get it throw the latch home.
Eventually the rubber will leave a mark which will show you where you need
to press the door to for it to be in line to engage the bushes.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG

PS I trust you've put the latch guards on ?

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Richard
Subject: Europa-List: closing the doors

Hello the forum.

I have just completed my upholstery and refitted the door rubbers for (I
hope) the final time. I can close the doors from the outside reasonably
easily but can't find a way to close them from the inside without
assistance.  I did consider fitting a knob towards the aft end of the door
as an aid to pulling this closed so that I can shoot the bolts.  Anyone done
this or any other suggestions to DIY door closing?

Richard Iddon. G-RIXS (final inspection complete, now waiting for permit to

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