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Re: Props

Subject: Re: Props
From: Dean Wiegand <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 10:32:28

here is a very good article of a Rospeller 3 blade on
an XS w/ 914.  Later in the article there is some
information on the Rospeller 2 blade for the 912.  Even
if you decide to stay with the fixed pitch prop, this
is a good opinion article about fixed vs. adjustable
vs. constant speed specifically on the Europa:

Dean Wiegand
Sacramento CA
kit A259

-----Original Message-----
Steve Lamb
Subject: Re:  Props

I was thinking of fitting a wobbly prop to my classic
80hp mono to improve
take off without compromising cruse.   I would
appreciate any personal views
with regard to ease of fitting, ease of operation,
performance and cost.


Steve Lamb

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