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Re: Web Site links

Subject: Re: Web Site links
From: David Glauser <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 09:20:04
Empty tubes like that can be purchased from McMaster-Carr in the US 

A good source for larger syringes is your local veterinarian or feed and tack 


-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:  Web Site links


Do you still have a surplus of the empty mastic tubes? that sounds like an
ideal soloution to applying redux- and one I hadn't thought of.
If you do still have some we would be delighted to buy some of your
surplus-just give us a ring.
We are past Oxford quite often so I imagine pickig them upwould not be a

We like the idea of a database of suppliers- that would help us all.

As for Acetone- we last bought some from Matrix mouldings in east Bristol-
not particularly close to you but they have quite a lot of glasfibre stuff
and will do mail order. I think we paid 10 +VAT for 5 litres Their phone is
0117 9715 145.
(I should extoll the virtues of using hot vinegar to clean up- it is really
quite effective, not nearly so toxic, and sold in every sainsburys!)

Our Syringes came free from the local chemist- actually quite few chemists
virtually threw us out of the shop just for asking for syinges!- our local
chemist gave us a carrier bag full along with leatlets on safe injecting and
was quite grumpy until we explained what we wanted tham for. There was still
no charge just a donation into his charity box, I daresay you will get the
same response if you ask round for which chemists supply the local addicts.


Bill & Sue

01727 858698
(St Albans, Herts)

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