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Re: Ireland

Subject: Re: Ireland
From: AlanB <>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 17:47:27

If you are going to Southen Ireland do'nt forget to give Special Branch at
least 24hours notice of the trip. Telephone Numbers are in Pooleys or
contact your local office. Please read the AIC on this link:

Most of the Irish Airfields are Prior Permission Required you need to check
in your local flight guide (Pooleys???) and make sure you telephone ahead.

Technically you don't need a passport, I always carry mine with my licence.

Flight plan form can be downloaded from:

Irish Aviation Site is at

Check you are not expected to enter/egress via a customs/immigration field,
or make arrangements. My flight guide (Bootlang) is a little unclear and I
have always entered/egressed via Waterford of Shannon which are.

Sorry to be pedantic but I usually provide the briefings for the club trips
I dow from Wycombe so I have access to most of the info.

Have a good flight


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Taylor" <>
Subject:  Ireland


Im off to Southern Ireland this weekend I hope, and need some advice on
flight plans and customs please.

What documentation do I need for the aircraft.

Where can I get the flight plan forms.

Going from East York's to Caernarfon then across to a Parachute club called
Clonbullogue south west of Dublin.

All advice greatly appreciated.



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