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Re: The Move

Subject: Re: The Move
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 07:05:04
Hi! John. 
So sorry to see you embroiled in this 
problem,especially after the lots of work you 
have put into it. I don't profess to know a blind 
thing about all this but I have been subscribed 
to Jabiru Engines Yahoo Group for some time now 
and I'm not aware of it having caused me any 
problems. YET? I would be sorry to loose some of 
the major contributors perhaps they could 
continue via yourself ? or is this a dumbo 
Bob Harrison  G-PTAG

 Quoting John Cliff 

> Obviously there has been a strong adverse 
reaction to my proposed move
> to become a Yahoo group.
> The central issue seems to be the likelihhod of 
the member address list
> being passed to third parties. The group itself 
> closed-to-members, nobody else can post to it 
and only text can be
> posted, no attachments.
> This (Avnet) List continues and will do so 
until we ask Avnet to turn it
> off, which we are not about to do.
> Does anyone know of a better alternative ?  
This should be free, allow
> restriction to text messages (to choke off 
viruses) and
> preferably provide a member-accessible file 
storage area and a usable
> administrator interface.
> Anyone who has not yet responded to the joining 
invitation from Yahoo
> might like to suspend doing so for a day or 
two.  I am the
> owner of Europa-Forum and could destroy it and 
(ostensibly) its address
> list with it.
> John Cliff
> The Europa List is supported by Aviators 
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