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Subject: Anodizing
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 09:34:56
Hi All,
I was contemplating the best way to coat the exposed aluminum pieces on the 
aircraft. Particularly the LG02 swing arm and the flaps and outrigger parts. 
I couldn't find the previous discussion of this. So, what about anodizing? I 
was wondering what, if any, problems this could create. Like, making the 
metal too brittle, or causing a poor fit of the other attached parts. Do most 
people simply prime and paint the LG02 or leave it bear? The desired result I 
was wanting was a durable white finish that couldn't be rubbed off by the 
transporter or other normal wear and tear over the years.  Having never seen 
a Europa on the transporter; does the swing arm have to contact the sides of 
the transporter "wheel cradle"?  I assume this is what keeps the plane from 
tipping over on the transporter.  Also there are varying degrees of anodized 
finishes. Type I being the least protected and Type III being the best or at 
least the hardest. Will the "metallurgists" in the audience please stand up? 
Troy Maynor

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