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Re: Approved Mods

Subject: Re: Approved Mods
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 10:12:03
Graham Clarke wrote:
> I have  been in touch with the PFA on this subject. No detail of already
> approved mods was offered, just a suggestion that details be submitted
> details for approval.

Very much the same response I got at the April seminar when I asked 
Francis what was intended to be a leading question about making existing 
approved mods more public. Do the PFA mind in principle, or just wish to 
avoid a workload being the information exchange for many different bulder 
groups ? I would have thought they would welcome re-use of approved mods 
as being less work than appraisal and debugging of a host of similar but 
different mods.

Incidentally, when I registered the project with the PFA I got a report 
on the Permit trials of G-YURO. Since then the factory has changed the 
kit quite a bit and issued a number of mods. Presumably the target 
approved design for which a Permit will be issued automatically moves 
every time the factory makes a change or statement, to the whole builder 
group or a community, but I don't recollect having read that anywhere ...

> IMHO that is making more work than necessary for everybody. So yes
> please- lets have a datbase, with drawings Ron.

Definitely !

John Cliff

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