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Re: re:fuel tanks

Subject: Re: re:fuel tanks
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 1995 22:45:49 wrote:

>        ref Thomas's fuel tank problems on tank shrinkage during layups and
>     cure

What about this diesel engine possibility? (No, Ivan, I _didn't_ mention it
first, it was Graham, honest!) The impression I'm getting is that the fuel
tank is kept 'swelled up' by the vapours in the tank as much as by the
liquid in contact with it. My experience of diesel in my car is that it
hasn't anything like the volatility of petrol. So, two questions (apart
---From "when's the engine going to be available?") for the experts at

(1) Will the use of a diesel engine & diesel fuel necessitate another
different tank moulding and/or tank conditioning method?

(2) If the tank material swells and stays swelled only when in contact with
liquid diesel, will it be necessary to keep it topped out between flights
to ensure that the top (empty) part doesn't shrink away from its
neighbouring structures?

>     ps, a plea to all on compuserve, please stick your names on the end of
>     the email, numbers are so impersonal !

I second that. I'd also ask that people put their kit # or registration in
their .sig files. I'm trying to keep track of who's who, and I have a
mixture of names, e-mail addresses, PFA project numbers, kit numbers, and
registrations which I sometimes find difficult to reconcile. (Yes I know
_my_ number's not in my signature - that's 'cos I haven't started yet ...)



... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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