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Re: Fuel system questions

Subject: Re: Fuel system questions
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 14:11:33

Hi Curtis,

I am not sure about your tank connections, it was too long ago. But for the 
gascolator I
poceeded as follows:
I mounted the mini-gascolator and also the fuel pump right next to the nose gear
frame against the
tunnel wall, there is just enough clearance. The gascolator is lower down, and
it has its own
drain, which can be operated from the outside. The fuselage at the forward part
of the tunnel
in front of the bulkhead was left completely open for access. The manual tells
you to cut
a T for the landing gear frame only. But how will you ever change the bungee 
the complete engine ? I had to redo my bungee and it was very simply done from
the bottom
(you need two pairs of hands, and have to lie on your back).

This solution makes for the shortest fuel line run.

I also installed the Europa drain kit, it is mandatory in Canada. In my opinion,
though, it is
a complete waste of time and money, as the actual drain point is a few 
up from
the bottom of the tank, which could still be full of water in theory.

Karl Heindl,   392

----- Original Message -----
From: Curtis Jaussi
Subject:  Fuel system questions

Hi all out there.
Have been away for a while due to work obligations and am now baci to the most
favorite peoject.  I purchased my kit from another builder with the cockpit 
installed includeing fuel tank and controls of course.  Having not done this
part of the construction, I find some things not shown in the manual and hope
someone out there can shed some light.
On the line out of the main tank side, there is a tee between the tank line and
the fuel site line.  This tee has a six-inch hose on it with a 1/8" male 
fitting.  I suppose it would be for a drain, however, the original builder
had intended to fit the 914 engine and I am using the 912.  I know that the
914 has two fuel pumps but the 912 install manual only deals with one and I thus
don't know how the second one is plumbed in.  Does this tee from the fuel sight
line have anything to do with that?
I am also going to install an Andiar mini-gascolator.  Where have others 
one in the fuel system and what should be used for a quick-drain from the
bottom of it.  How about easy access to a quick drain for checking for water in
the fuel.
This forum is a god-send to those of us building in remote areas!  Many 

Curtis Jaussi---216 Trigear--N4270G
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Subject: Majordomo results: archive-get-immediate forum 200212

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