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Europa-List: Fuel Pump Vent/Drain Line Routing

Subject: Europa-List: Fuel Pump Vent/Drain Line Routing
From: Paul M 383 <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 10:05:20

How have others routed a drain line from the replacement Corona mechanical pump?
(SB-912-063UL free replacement). This is on a 912 ULS and standard XS Cowl &

I used Tygon tube and found what I thought was a route avoiding heat sources etc
- turned out not to be, when the tube caught fire after a ground run... this
stuff is aviation grade: fuel, acid but not fire-proof!

What have others done in their install please? Ideally send photos, or a clear
description please.

Thanks in advance!

Paul M

XS Mono 912S
G-PLPM, waiting for Permit

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