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Re: Europa-List: oil sump banjo orientation

Subject: Re: Europa-List: oil sump banjo orientation
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 10:38:26
< On my Rotax 912S the outlet of the banjo fitting on the oil sump 
points forward. The pipe connected to it goes aft to starboard. The 
manual (Fig 7, page 5-5, 912S Installation) shows it pointing about 45 
degrees forward and starboard. It looks as though it would be sensible 
to re-orient the banjo to point about 45 degrees aft and starboard. Is 
this a good or bad idea?


I remember reading in a Europa Tech Talk (or similar) several years ago 
to install the banjo such that the oil return hose takes the shortest 
route to get away from the muffler.  Unfortunately, a protrusion on the 
sump precludes running the hose fully to the rear.  In other words, set 
the banjo in order to run the hose the best way you can to avoid heat 

>From my experience with our 914 Mono, may I make the following 
suggestions. . . . 
  a.. Take your oil return hose and banjo fitting to a hose fitting 
company and ask them to crimp the hose to your banjo.  (This will not 
only give you a professional job, it will give you more options as to 
orientation of the banjo and hose exiting the sump and alleviates the 
need to stuff around with the hose clamp.) 
  b.. While at the same hose fitting company, ask for two Dowty washers 
to use in lieu of the copper washers on the banjo.  (when I asked for 
replacement copper washers, I was in return asked why I was using 
1930=99s technology?)  I had never heard of Dowty washers so if 
you are like me, check out this link.
Regarding your other post about water hoses may I make further 
suggestions . . . .
  a.. I don=99t know what you are using but I suggest at least for 
the two main water hoses using silicon hoses as supplied by Stefan 
Ingemarsson. (After blowing on of the hoses as supplied by Europa and 
finding there was no reinforcement within the rubber, I was horrified so 
will not use them again) 
  b.. When fitting the silicon hoses, just a smear of petroleum jelly 
around the fitting (and inside the hose) will make the hose slip on much 
easier.Using water on them also helps but I find the petroleum jelly 
works better.  There is no need for concern that the hoses might slip 
off again
Best regards

Kingsley in Oz

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