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Re: Europa-List: Inline pass thru headphone jack.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Inline pass thru headphone jack.
From: Andrew Sarangan <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 16:18:52

The easiest way is to stick an electret microphone inside the earcup
with some glue or tape, and use an ordinary digital recorder. I've
done it this way for years and has worked flawlessly. Since I fly many
different aircraft as an instructor I don't have the luxury of
modifying the intercom system. One time I tried tee-ing off the
headset audio line, but the impedance mismatch required some extra
circuitry, so it became too complicated.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Tony Renshaw <> wrote:
> Gidday,
> I've heard some crazy RT from some ATC ground controllers in JFK recently,
> castigating people for not getting rapid fire multi instructions right the
> first time, when English isn't their native language.  Its quite
> disparaging, and like my kids, always somebody else's fault/problem, but
> typical New York. I'm going back there in a fortnight, wondering how I can
> record it cleanly. I tried using my iPhone and the cockpit speaker, but
> there is an underlying airframe whoosh sound that I want to do without. Can
> anyone suggest a way I can easily record what I hear in my headsets, a jack
> that allows pass thu, that I can plug ideally into my phone, as whilst this
> is a project, it is only a small one and I don't need to throw a lot of
> money at it. Thanks in anticipation.
> Tony Renshaw
> Aussie

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