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Re: Europa-List: Aileron play

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Aileron play
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 20:37:44

On 02/22/2011 04:33 PM, Brian Davies wrote:
> I agree with Kingsley that the alignment of the bolts needs checking. 

I got more replies than I hoped for. Everything makes sense.
As far as I remember the alignment of the bolts was ok. I see some
scuffing marks on the surfaces, but there is no measurable wear. So far
I assume that misalignment is not an issue (but for sure I will check
this if the play returns).
I will just reposition the tefnol surface in the manner suggested by
many forum members. Now I just have to wait until the weather is warm
enough to allow the Araldite to cure.

> I have cut out a small part of the wing fairing on the underside, just
> aft of the spar, about four inches long.

I will follow this procedure if the play re-occurs. Thanks!

Thanks everyone for the assistance!!!


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