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Europa-List: Grand Rapids EIS Problem

Subject: Europa-List: Grand Rapids EIS Problem
From: Martin Tuck <>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 20:51:20

Hi Folks,

Thanks to all who offered suggestions for the problems I have been 
having with my EIS.

I decided to disconnect each sender in turn to find out which one 
appeared to causing the fluctuations. Things got progressively worse, 
the unit seemingly turning off and on again repeatedly. I had to cut my 
testing short to pick the girls up from their play date and returned the 
next day. The next day the unit didn't even turn on, so I started the 
engine anyway and it kicked it back into life.

By this time I had disconnected all the senders and the unit was dying 
fast! The problem was either the unit itself or the simple wiring to the 
unit from the distribution panel. Out came the panel.

I got it home connected a 12V supply and everything turned on as it 
should. I fiddled with the wires and sure enough the unit was turning on 
and off again. Ah ha! Upon closer inspection I found that the earth 
connector and wire was being held together by the heatshrink tube and 
some flexing indicated a fracture - caused by vibration no doubt - 
although I am surprised at that.

Anyhow, all is soldered up and I'm hoping that this very obvious 
solution will fix the indication problems - I suspect that it will. 
That's kind of the problem with digital readouts that they spool up as 
you power up and obviously down again if getting intermittent power loss.

Time will tell, it is supposed to be nice this weekend.

Martin Tuck
Europa N152MT
Wichita, Kansas

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