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Europa-List: Woodcomp SR 2000 for sale, or free to a good home

Subject: Europa-List: Woodcomp SR 2000 for sale, or free to a good home
From: david miller <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 11:55:03


I've given up on ever getting my problems with this prop sorted by  
They started when the motor came loose, the replacement motor  
supplied by the factory and
installed by the Canadian rep now groans and complains, before  
popping the circuit breaker.
Prop is off my 912S tri-gear and has not suffered any impact damage,  
it has less than 50 hours on it.

It may be of use to someone who would like to have spare blades etc  
on hand, or who is in a position to
take it back to Woodcomp for a complete overhaul.

Rather than leave it on the hangar wall as an ongoing reminder of a  
most unsatisfactory purchase,
it is for sale, any offer over $1 will be considered !

Dave, C-FBZI

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