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Re: Europa-List: Wheels up landing...

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Wheels up landing...
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 21:49:33

Hi Jos

Thx. for sharing your experience.

Wayne and I built a 5 pound, 3/4 hp 4 foot flying wing. To make it make it
more manageable on landing we installed articulatable NASA Leading Edge
droop. Worked great, but if you touched down with droop down, it would
break the Sullivan actuator/s. Thus we modified the transmitter with a
simple button, when you flare, push button and droop retracted.

My feathers were severely ruffled after the second time I forgot to
retract. On a good day I would be just about following the aerocraft, but
could get behind it very easy. Needless to say I spent plenty of time
changing actuators! First was to have Wayne remind me to retract on flare,
spent time replacing actuators. Made a checklist and stringent procedure,
spent time replacing actuators. Slightest thing not go perfect as
anticipate and could forget to retract.

I can make a direct comparison to forgetting to drop Europa gear.

"When" I forget to drop Europa gear, we made what is a pretty structural
up stop for swing arm:

Installing an adjustable pressure switch driven by pitot (purchased from
Europa, what they use for stall warner) to liven things up below lets say
70 knots, and a switch for each outrigger and a switch for lever down
latch. Will drive a bright LED aimed at pilots eyes, and probably a stick
shaker. Stick shaker will be a mini cell phone style mini motor with
offset weight. If all is well will get 3 green LEDs.

Here is a how we ran wires for outrigger switches:
Will not get green LED unless outrigger latch is ready to take some abuse
without collapsing.

BTW installed a lever downlatch spring to make sure latch stays down:

My Undercarriage mounting frame had things undercenter! Anyone with a
monowheel best make sure you have overcenter by at least 1/16" up to bout

Hi Paul

"I was wondering if anyone has had good experience with ultrasonic
> based devices that can perhaps measure 10 feet off the ground."

Can's say we have good experience, but some experience:

Ron Parigoris

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