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Re: Europa-List: AOA probe design

Subject: Re: Europa-List: AOA probe design
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 12:25:31

>I am looking for a sensible AOA probe to feed my Dynon D100. The 
>Dynon probe is ghastly - very big and heavy so I won't use that.
>I can't see what's wrong with a small, light weight probe based on 
>the same principle, ie an angled face with a hole in it. Has anyone 
>else designed their own and if so how well did it work?
>Anyone know of a good off the shelf probe suitable for the Dynon

I don't know of an off-the shelf probe, but I wonder if something 
like the attached PDF would do the trick. Any half-competent machine 
shop should be able to produce a similar item, even scaled down a bit 
if thought desirable.

I found the file in my "AOA" folder and I'm afraid I don't know where 
I got it, although the "airsoob" part of the filename is probably a 


| Wilma & Rowland Carson
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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