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Re: Europa-List: Mobile Wing Cradle

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mobile Wing Cradle
From: mau11 <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 20:56:39
X-mailer: Foxmail 5.0 [-fr-]

Bonjour Andrew ,
I follow you on your web site, it is very interesting.
Thank for your craddle informations do you have dimensions and/or drawings 
I made a pair.

Another question, do you have any informations on the altitude hold installation
on the Europa XS.

Michel AUVRAY  
Builder N145 > 300 hours flight

======= le 27/08/2006, 19:54:15 vous criviez: ======

>Recently I built a wing cradle that allows one to move the wing around
>as well as flip it on its side with relative ease. I thought there
>might be some others who might benefit from this construction. Detailed
>photos are available at 
>If you have comments or critiques, please let me know. 
>Andrew Sarangan

= = = = = = = = = ========= = = = = = = = = = 

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